Easy as 1-2-3 for Crawford Farms in 2016 Hambletonian
By Derick Giwner (DRF Harness, August 12, 2016)
Often enough we don’t realize the total effect one event can have on so many differentpeople. When Marion Marauder won the2016 Hambletonian for driver Scott Zeron,trainer Paula Wellwood and owners MarionWellwood and Devin Keeling, the enormity ofthe moment for them was obvious.
In the background of that same winner’scircle where the 91st Hambletonian championwas crowned, there stood Michelleand Albert Crawford, just as emotionallyengulfed by the experience. Unbeknownstto many, the Crawfords not only benefittedby Marion Marauder winning, but alsofrom Southwind Frank and Sutton finishingsecond and third in the sport’s marquee race.
It was a trifecta of sorts for CrawfordFarms as they own a full brother to MarionMarauder, and the dams of both SouthwindFrank and Sutton.
“I don’t have words, I have tears, becauseI was crying happy tears,” said an emotionalMichelle Crawford. “This is like the perfectstorm. To finish one, two, three in the Hambletonianat The Meadowlands? It doesn’t getbetter than that. It gives me chills.”
While it is hard to determine yearlingprices in August, being the full brother toa Hambletonian winner is certainly a plus.Add to that the success that Marion Marauder’ssire, Muscle Hill, is seeing in 2016. Hisprogeny head the earnings leaderboard in allage groups for trotters this year.
“We have a full brother (to MarionMarauder) we just videoed the other daywho appears to be the real deal. His strideis beyond his body,” said Michelle aboutG Wagon, who will sell at the LexingtonSelected Sale this October. “We also acquiredhis half-sister. She is a Cantab Hall, her nameis Marion Mardi Gras, so we’re going to seehow she works out and we’ll definitely bebreeding her.
“Charlie Carp brought us that family,Marion Marauder, and pressed us hard.We can’t thank him enough,” said MichelleCrawford.
Crawford Farms purchased the dam ofSouthwind Frank (Flawless Lindy) a monthago for an undisclosed amount from SouthwindFarms. Flawless Lindy is currently infoal to Muscle Hill again, which means she iscarrying a full brother to the 2-year-old championand Hambletonian runner-up. He willclearly have value when he hits the ground.
Separated by just a neck at the wire fromMarion Marauder and Southwind Frank wasSutton, Amazingly Crawford Farms has that10-year-old broodmare as well in their band.After a bit of bad luck with one of her foals,Michelle was hoping for the best with themare’s latest addition.
“Sutton, we have his dam, I Wanted Wingsis her name. Her filly last year, she had aCredit Winner sister, she died right beforethe Lexington sale. She was beautiful. Nowthere is a Credit Winner filly on the ground,a weanling.”
Despite having little luck with the horsesthey own—Homicide Hunter (8th) and DevilChild (6th)—on the Hambletonian Day card,the Crawfords likely came away from the dayahead of the game in the long run and weremost certainly just happy to be part of theexperience.
“If we can’t be in the race, to be on thebreeding side of it and have the familymembers step up and do that. It was beyondexciting,” said Crawford.